by Barzilai Spinak

Many jPOS users are familiar with the MUXPool class. In short, it’s a MUX that sits in front of multiple muxes (usually QMUX) and will choose among them using some configured strategy. The client code, such as a SelectDestination participant in the transaction manager, will just talk to the MUXPool (i.e., call the request() method), without worrying about the underlying muxes, how many there are, whether they are available, etc.

Imagine you need to send messages to some issuer Bank ABC, and they have given you three connection endpoints (IPs and ports) for load balance or redundancy. In a typical configuration, you would have three ChannelAdaptors and three matching muxes: let’s call them abc1, abc2, and abc3. Your business logic will decide that “this transaction should go to Bank ABC”, choosing a mux called BankABC.

So, you could configure a MUXPool with a nice symbolic name such as BankABC like this:

<mux class="org.jpos.q2.iso.MUXPool" logger="Q2" name="BankABC">
  <muxes>abc1 abc2 abc3</muxes>

In this example, it would choose among the three muxes using a round robin strategy, among the “usable” muxes. So, if abc2 is not usable at the moment, then the choice would happen between abc1 and abc3 (the concept of “usable” applies mostly to implementations that honor the isConnected() method, such as QMUX, but this is another topic for another time).

New tricks for an old dog

The built-in strategies for MUXPool, which we won’t discuss here, are:

  • round-robin
  • round-robin-with-override
  • split-by-divisor
  • and the default, internally called PRIMARY_SECONDARY, which basically goes through the list in order until it finds the first usable mux.

Those strategies have existed for ages, but for some time now, you can also configure a custom strategy using a StrategyHandler.

If the built-in strategy is not sufficient, you can implement your own. An instance of StrategyHandler will be called by the MUXPool, passing a reference to itself (pool), the ISOMsg we intend to send, and a timeout for the response.

This is how you could configure your MUXPool with a StrategyHandler:

<mux class="org.jpos.q2.iso.MUXPool" logger="Q2" name="BankABC">
  <muxes>abc1 abc2 abc3</muxes>

  <!-- The default, fall-back strategy -->

  <strategy-handler class="xxx.yyy.MyPoolStrategy">
    <!-- some config properties here -->

So, you implement the MyPoolStrategy, and your getMUX() method can choose among the available muxes using some other strategy. You could query some metrics from the underlying muxes (such as the ones provided by QMUX) to make your decision of the best mux to use.

If your StrategyHandler can’t decide, then you just return null and the configured <strategy> will be used as a fall-back.

Some ideas for strategies include:

  • Use the getRxPending() method of QMUX to get an estimate of which mux is more loaded or slower to respond.
  • Use the getIdleTimeInMillis() of QMUX to find a mux that hasn’t been used recently.
  • Take a look at the MTI of the ISOMsg to send reversals to a different destination from authorizations.
  • A weighted round-robin, perhaps using some custom property of your muxes, or configuring the weights in the strategy handler itself (hint: they can be Configurable so they can have their own configuration properties in the XML).

There may be alternate ways to implement similar behavior using other jPOS components, but the MUXPool.StrategyHandler may be a nice trick to keep in mind and simplify some logic.

Your imagination is the limit!

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